Semalt – Ways To Hype Your Backlink Profile With Crawl Data

Google has been updating its users about the significance of backlinks for months, but we are aware of the fact that backlinks are the key to successful search engine ranking. They help Google, Bing, and Yahoo determine the significance of websites and blogs. A lot of people debate whether to use pro-active backlinks to engage visitors or not, and it's true that backlinks can ensure you quality web traffic. Plus, they help you monitor and optimize the existing links of your site.
Let us check a few points to understand why it is essential to combine the backlink data and crawl data. That will help us understand how to improve the search engine rank of our websites and what type of actions should be taken to increase their value on the internet.
Here Igor Gamanenko, a top professional from Semalt, discusses the ways to hype your backlink profile with the crawl data.
1. Broken Pages with Backlinks
With the broken pages and backlink reports, you can easily find the pages that have an error with their backlinks and return to the 4xx and 5xx errors. If you want to avoid this issue, you should break your backlinks into different sections. Alternatively, you can restore the pages to the 200 status or update their status to the 301. Another method is that you can redirect them to other useful and relevant pages or articles.
2. Non-indexed Pages with Backlinks

All of the non-indexed pages with backlinks should be repaired properly. They let you determine the pages that return the users to the 200 errors. If this problem occurs, your pages won't be indexed, and you cannot improve the search engine ranking of your website. If you want all of your pages to be discovered by the search engines, you should rectify the non-indexed problem as soon as possible.
3. Redirecting URLs with Backlinks
Websites change their layouts and content with time, and it is possible for you to change your URL and its architecture as per the current trend. If it shows a 301 error, you should not let the search engines index your website until that error is removed. It's true that a backlink with the redirecting page is not a significant issue, but you can review and change its settings to target the relevant audience. Make sure you have used an anchor text to increase your chances of getting improved in the search engine results.
4. Orphaned Pages with the Backlinks
The orphaned pages can drive your site lots of traffic, but webmasters often forget them, providing their visitors with poor on-site experience. You should review the orphaned pages with backlinks one by one, making sure that all of the pages offer value to your audience.
5. Disallow a URL with Backlinks
All of the disallowed URLs with some backlinks highlight the pages that are specified in the robots.txt file. The pages that have this issue can cause problems for the visitors, decreasing their number to a great extent. You should allow the pages to be crawled by removing them from your robots.txt file.

6. Meta Nofollow Page with Backlinks
In the report of Meta Nofollow with Backlink, you can identify the pages with and without meta tags and point out the errors in them. You can resolve the problem by removing the unnecessary tags from your website. Consider installing a suitable plugin to improve the overall performance and look of your site.